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The human brain, to say the least, is very complex. We have studied it for centuries, and we are still learning more of its secrets today. But be careful, the search for facts can sometimes lead to fiction. "To be smarter your brain needs to be bigger" which is completely false. Brain size relates more to proportion of the body than it does to intelligence. For instance here's your brain next to whale.
Guess who's smarter?
Human brain next to Blue whale brain.

Your brain is smaller than a whale's because your body is smaller. However, your brain is structured in a way that enables you to survive and succeed. Would you believe that humans only use 10% of their brains? Let's make it 100%. With access to your brain's full capacity, you're limitless. What happens to your body when you are dedicating all your's brain's energy to a creation, a cure or a patent? Your lungs breathing, your heart beating, your food digesting and your blood circulating that's all your brain. Even if you could access 100% of your brain's capacity, you couldn't use it. You would be limited by your body's survival needs. Remember when we asked that humans only use 10% of their brains. The 10% is a myth and it's come from a simple confusion. Your brain is 10% neurons, and 90% glial cells. 
Your neurons enable you to process and transmit information, while your glial cells surround your neurons, providing them with support and insulation and so that's the only 10% percent we use which further controls our body functions. So even if you can access that 10% completely you won't be able to use it as you are already limited by your survival needs and all human brains share the same design and therefore you can't use 100% of your brain as the part of the which defines knowledge and processing information is only 10% of the human brain and that 10% is further limited by your body needs.

So how can you be smarter? Just train your brain like a muscle. Stimulate it. Try new things. Take risks and challenges. Read books and take enough rest.

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